10 Things To Know About Your Mobile Phone
10 Things To Know About Your Mobile Phone: Hello and welcome to “budget shop asia” medium blog, we are excited you are here. Learn more about budget shop asia on our website Thank you.
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10 Things To Know About Your Mobile Phone: Our mobile devices have a wide range of capabilities embedded in them but many times we tend to make use of only some of the minor features our mobile phone offers, partly because we deem them unnecessary to explore or don’t have the time to search them out; below are a list of features your Android Phone can perform that you might not aware of.
1. Google Voice Search
10 Things To Know About Your Mobile Phone: Most android smartphones activate Google’s speech to text function when you say “OK Google” letting you make a search. So when next you are walking and you’re trying to make a long multi word search”, you should remember to just say “OK Google” and save yourself the stress of correcting your typos.
Our mobile devices have a wide range of capabilities embedded in them but many times we tend to make use of only some of the minor features our mobile phone offers, partly because we deem them unnecessary to explore or don’t have the time to search them out; below are a list of features your Android Phone can perform that you might not be aware of.
2. Text T0 Speech Output
10 Things To Know About Your Mobile Phone: Have you ever multi tasked, or you’re lazy and you wish someone would read out loud so you could hear, well your smartphone can do just that.
Android users just have to go to phone setting, click on Accessibility and select the text to speech output option, and then there you have it, your Manny with the bedtime stories.
3. Proximity sensor
10 Things To Know About Your Mobile Phone: It is a sensor able to detect the presence of nearby objects without any physical contact.
During a call, if the device is brought near ears, it automatically locks the screen to prevent unwanted touch commands. It is usually placed close to the front camera and flashlight.
4. Share your phone’s internet with your PC using USB cable
10 Things To Know About Your Mobile Phone: Connect your phone and PC using a USB Cable, go to phone setting, click on wireless & networks, click on tethering and then click on USB tethering. This connects your phones internet directly to your PC, completely unaware to any third parties.
5. Access Developer Option for your Android

10 Things To Know About Your Mobile Phone: You don’t know what developer options are? They are setting not regularly or initially available to the android phone users, but can be accessed when needed. It gives you control overs, but can be accessed things like debugging, show touche touches, pointer location, transition animation scale and so on.
To get this privilege, simply go to your phone setting and click on the About phone option. One under About phone, tap repeatedly on the build number when you see it, until you get a massage confirming you’re now a developer.
6. Share your Phone’s internet with other devices wirelessly
10 Things To Know About Your Mobile Phone: Turn on your phone hotpot, make necessary changes to the network credentials and connect using these credentials from any of your PC through a Xender. Open Xender in your Android device, tap the “+” button and choose “Connect PC” Open web. xender.com in your Pc/phone. Scan the QR code with your mobile device; both devices should be automatically connected.
7. Different SIM Types
10 Things To Know About Your Mobile Phone: SIM cards comes in different sizes for quite a number of mobile phones. There is the Standard SIM card measure 25* 15mm and they were used prior to 2010 models and thereafter. The Micro SIM card measures 15*12mn. The difference between the later and the former is the plastic size measures 12.3*8.8mm. And most of the new devices now use the Nano SIM.
10 Things To Know About Your Mobile Phone: A lot of us may get confused at these terms and what role they play in a smartphone. RAM stands for Random Access Memory. Whenever an application is in use, it creates a Temporary memory from which it goes to the RAM. Therefore if a RAM is low and you are running too many apps sat the same time, it will freeze and the apps will start crashing.
But after restarting your mobile, those temporary files gets deleted and works better. The higher the RAM of the phone the better the performance of it.
ROM stands for Read Only Memory. It is also referred to as Internal Storage. The higher the ROM, the more file it can save on it. It does not have anything to do with mobiles performance of the phone. It is just simply serves as Memory saving Devices.
9.Finger Print Sensor
10 Things To Know About Your Mobile Phone: Mobile phone most gabbed about feature in the new models was definitely the Fingerprint sensor. It’s not really any more secure than manual lock screen pass codes but it does save time when unlocking the mobile. It does other function apart from unlocking mobiles like answering calls.
10. Wireless Charging
10 Things To Know About Your Mobile Phone: This Is a handy feature for those of you who don’t want to plug in their phone to the power source directly. Just set it down and it starts to charge. Few of the new models of the IPhone (X series) has adopted the use of wireless charging through power banks which makes is easier for them when they are out of charging cables.
Meanwhile, wireless charging is perfectly safe.
We hope you found this very informative and would love to explore more important features of your Mobile Phone, Kindly like this article if you enjoyed it. Also, feel free to ask questions, share more facts in the comment section and don’t forget to share.
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