How Modern Military are Leveraging AI
How modern military are leveraging AI: Machines are becoming ubiquitous across the twenty first century battle space, and modern military must embrace human machine teaming (HMT) or risk conceding military edge to competitors effectively leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomy. This report investigates the implications of the increasing incorporation of AI into military operations with a particular focus on understanding the parameters, advantages, and challenges to the US Department of Defense’s (DOD’s) adoption of the concept of HMT.2
Key takeaways
Looking through the lens of three military applications for HMT, the authors arrive at the following conclusions.
HMT has the potential to change warfare and solve key operational challenges

DOD must expand its definitions for HMT

HMT development and employment must prioritize human centric teaming

DOD must move from the conceptual to the practical

Experimentation is crucial to building trust
lterative, real world experimentation in which humans develop new operational concepts, test the limits of their machine teammates, and better understand their breaking points, strengths, and weakness of machines in a range of environments will play a key role in speeding HMT adoption. This awareness is also essential to human operators as they develop the trust in their AI teammates required to effectively capitalize on the potential of HMT.
Applications of human machine teaming

These wing man aircraft can fly forward of the crewed aircraft to carry out a range of missions, including electronic attack or defense, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR), or strike, or as decoys to attract fire away from other assets and light up enemy air defenses.
Manifestation of HMT
Interest in this manifestation of HMT has increased not just in the United States but also in most modern militarizes. In addition to the United States, Australia, China Russia, The United Kingdom, Turkey, and India all have at least one active loyal wing-man development program, while the sixth generation fighter efforts Global Combat Air Programme (United Kingdom, Italy, Japan), Next Generation Air System (Germany, France, Spin) involve system of systems concepts of air power that stress both HMT and machine machine teaming.
As important as this category of HMT is ans will continue to be to emerging military capabilities, discussion of HMT should include the full breadth of human interaction with AI agents (which learn experiences, and inputs), including the overwhelming majority of interactions that occur with algorithms that possess on physical form.
Project Maven is one example of how DOD and now the National Geo spatial Intelligence Agency use this category of HMT to autonomously detect, tag, and trace objects or humans of interest from various forms of media and collected intelligence, enabling human analysts and operators to prioritize their areas of focus.