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Best Artificial Intelligence in Education

Artificial Intelligence in Education

Best Artificial Intelligence in Education

Best Artificial Intelligence in Education:- Education is an important part of life for everyone, and a good education plays a vital role to have a successful life.In order to improve the education system for the students, there are always a lot of changes happening around the world, ranging from the way of teaching to the type of curriculum.  One place where artificial intelligence is poised to make big changes is (and in some cases already is) in education.

Artificial Intelligence in Education

AI in education is not about humanoid robots as a teacher to replace human teachers, but it is about using computer intelligence to help teachers and students and making the education system much better and effective.

Overview Of AIED (Artificial Intelligence in Education)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a simulation of human intelligence into a computer machine so that it can think and act like human.

In the 1970s, AIED has occurred as a specialist area to cover new technology to teaching & learning, specifically for higher education. The main aim of AIED is to facilitate the learners with flexible, personalized, and engaging learning along with the basic automated task. Some popular trends in AIED include Intelligent tutor systems, smart classroom technologies, adaptive learning, and pedagogical agents.

Artificial Intelligence in Education

Automate basic activities in education with AI

In the education system, there are various activities which take lots of time of teachers such as grading tests and home works. These tasks require lots of time and effort, while this time could be used in interacting with students, letting them know their errors, etching new things, and many more.

To save this time, Artificial Intelligence can be used. With AI tools, it is possible to automate the grading system for nearly all types of MCQ (Multiple choice questions) and fill in the blank , and they are very close to being able to grade written responses.

Artificial Intelligence in Education

Additional Support for students with AI tutor

As it is obvious that reaches can’t be present with students all the time while they study, as teachers in colleges have fixed timings. But each student is not smart enough to grasp all the things at once, and they need additional supports from someone to help them in the understanding study material

With these AI programs, students can learn fundamentals, but still, they are not suitable to learn high level concepts, students still require a professor. However, in future, it is possible that AI might be able to help students with complex problems also that require analytical thinking and reasoning.

Helpful feedback to students and teachers with AI-driven programs

Artificial Intelligence in Education

AI is not only helping the students to learn the customized course as per their requirements, but it can also give feedback to both the teachers and students about the success level of the course.

Some online course providers are currently using such feedback based AI systems to analyses the progress of the student and also alert the professors for the critical performance issue of the student.

Finding improvement required in course with AI

In the education system, it is vary hard to find out the gaps in learning. Teachers have limited time to teach in the classroom, and they not always know where the students are lacking and what concepts have confused the student.

Such type of programs helps in filling the gaps while learning that can occur in courses, and also ensures that each student understands the concepts successfully.

AI could change the role of the teacher

Artificial Intelligence in Education

Teachers always have a critical role in the education system, but this role and its requirement may change with the new technologies. As in the above points, we have already discussed that Artificial Intelligence can automate different tasks such as grading , reports, help students while learning, and may also be an option of real world tutor in some cases.

Future of AI in Education

As per the researches, in the near future, AI in education will step in three main ways, which are:

Performance personalization

Artificial Intelligence in Education

With day by day development in AI technology and computing power, it will be possible to create personalized curricula through collecting and generalizing the information. Various new AI solution such as “Bright-space insights” helps the instructor to track, measure, and monitor the progress of learners, and also help them in this learning journey.

Violation Bias

Human bias has always remained a hindrance in the education system and also an issue in AI tools. In future, AI in education will find new solutions that can evaluate work and tests exams using established criteria in order to eliminate bias.

Combined Assistance

Artificial Intelligence in Education

Professors/teachers in colleges usually have masters in their field and have a degree in specific areas of development. But the administrative work is often a frustrating attempt at rapprochement with students.

AI in education can solve this problem in the future with smart classrooms with AI assistance who can provide necessary help to the teachers to give their best.


Artificial intelligence and its uses in our lives are growing day by day in many segments. In the field of education, AI has started showing its influences and working as a helping tool for both the students and teachers and supporting the learning process.

But still, the use of AI in education is not adapted by all the colleges completely, and it will take a long journey to do this. However, studies show that in the near future, AI will have good impact on the education sector.

It is currently transforming the education industry but is yet to show its real potential in education. Further, Learning from computer systems can be much helpful, but it is unlikely to fully replacing human teaching in schools and colleges.

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